

Manager of international affairs of Kermanshah Science and Technology Park said: There are numerous Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs), mostly supported by Science and technology parks in Iran that are interested in tacking the export market and are actively looking to develop into global markets.
According to Public Relations Department of Kermanshah Science and Technology Park, Mokhtar Manoochehrabadi in an interview added: Just like big corporate that target foreign market, some SMEs look for reaching global markets for growth and profit, because these businesses know that there are better prices elsewhere.
He went on to say: On the other hand, entering global markets enables firms to increase their sales, but they have to face and overcome different challenges than big and well resourced companies.
"For many managers of SMEs it is relatively easy to establish their networks in domestic markets but it may be difficult, expensive and even impossible to establish a trustworthy relationships and networks in overseas and international markets." Manoochehrabadi added.
He stated that SMEs have to face challenges and barriers like lack of financial resources, lack of awareness of available supports  and market knowledge for exporting their goods and services.
Manoochehrabadi said: There are other forms of key barriers and challenges for SMEs that should be seriously considered before planning to launch a new product or service to the overseas markets, like ability to set competitive prices, language barrier, branding, digital marketing and market intelligence.

Read 1962 times Last modified on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 08:47